Because quality only gets you so far- at a certain point, you need creative direction.

Are you lost on your music journey?

By deciphering the puzzle of commercial music, we support you at becoming the unique, universally respected artist hiding inside of you. Common side effects include building a passionate fanbase, doing music full time and making meaningful connections in your life.

Hi, I'm Friedemann.
(If you struggle with that name, don't worry, so does my mother. Here's a tutorial that has been approved by the German government)

I'm a songwriter/producer, hit board game designer, card magician, bestselling author, and viral YouTube personality.

I love making things, learning things and helping people. If I don’t make, I get restless. If I don’t learn, I feel empty. If I don’t help, I feel ungrateful. Good things have happened when I managed to balance all three.

Creative Artist Development
(With A Focus On Song Creation)

One of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned is this:

You don’t need marketing when you sell water bottles in the desert.

If you have a great product people want, they'll do anything for it. You don't need to convince people to buy if your offer is so obviously the right choice.

In music as in any other business, those who give the most, get the most. If you provide great value, price stops being an issue. You can stop "selling a product" and focus on making cool stuff instead. Your fans get that you should be compensated for making their life easier, and so they buy, they "buy it", they buy... you.

If you're not a successful musician yet, the problem is not your marketing. It's not that not enough people have heard your music. And it's not your lack of connections or budget. Great music doesn’t need aggressive sales tactics or elaborate social media strategies. The best marketing... is having a great product.

Great music, by definition, is so good that it can’t be ignored. 

We work with...

So how do we make next year your best year in music ever?

STEP 1: You write songs and learn as much as you can
In the beginning, just write. Don't read songwriting books or listen to coaches before you've written at least a couple of songs. Find your own path towards songwriting. Struggle. Figure out what you're good at. Simply enjoy the process. Start learning how to play one or more instruments, learn how to read music and study the basics of music theory.

STEP 2: We turn your songs into an experience

This is the first formula we teach you: how to turn a song into an audience magnet. By incorporating a series of psychological triggers into your songs, we hook your listener from the first to the last second... without destroying the unique sound you have built for yourself.

STEP 3: We turn you into a songwriting machine
Next, if you want to be a professional, you must figure out your process. If you can't finish a song in 24 hours or less (without killing yourself over it), you are too slow for this industry. We'll show you how to speed up your workflow by up to 18.5 times without sacrificing quality-- (in fact, we find writers get BETTER when they learn how to write fast).

STEP 4: We help you discover what makes you unique
At this level, you know how to write good, engaging songs, and how to write them fast. The problem is the charts are full of good, engaging songs. At this level, your biggest problem is no longer "bad", it's "bland". Which is why we need to work on finding what makes you you. We'll help you discover your unique side without resorting to gimmicks.

STEP 5: We turn you into the world-best in your niche
Once you know what makes you unique, we show you how to communicate this "Image" through everything you do creatively. Whether it's writing hooks, chords, designing a sound, mixing your track or writing lyrics, we'll show you how to streamline your messaging to help you create your entirely new "genre of one".

STEP 6: We connect you with the people who get your product out there
Once you have a great product, the next step is getting a small, critical mass of the right people to hear it. While we don't do digital marketing, paid traffic or sync work ourselves, we work with people who do, and we'll get you in touch with their team.  

STEP 7: Your life as a successful, recognized artist
Depending on what you focus on, you can expect to hear your songs in playlists, the radio, movies or TV series. Our artists have gathered millions of clicks on Spotify & co, and many of them now make a living in the music industry- reliably and without burning themselves out.

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